Monday, December 28, 2009


Tonight you met your future girlfriend and feel in love. I could tell right away because you gave her a kiss without any hesitation! Emme and Miles sitting in a tree....

Later that night as I rocked you to sleep you pulled your sweet little head up from my shoulder and gave me a soft kiss and then snuggled back into my nook. I had a hard time not melting right there. Boy do you have me wrapped!

Kisses all around!

Taking pictures is Exhausting

Took family portrait in the snow. So cold and now so tired


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Chai Love

Miles is lovin Daddy's chai

Cleveland Travels

Daddy, son and muno the airport

Friday, December 25, 2009

Breakfast before boarding

Word if the day : hat

Merry Christmas !!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Futures So Bright

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Early Christmas present

Thanks Miles! Your so thoughtful

Good Morning

Miles as I open the car door to drop him off at daycare

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Loves Noodles

Just like Daddy

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Another Cut

Yes Megan, we got his hair cut again and it was a 10 minute drive. Don't hate. Some day we will venture out your way to get his locks trimmed

Cars mesmorized by 'Cars' for roughly 3 minutes then it was on to Daddy's lap for the rest of the cut.

Early Grocery Run

Out of milk, eggs and bananas. You loved the car cart but I could not drive that thing! Glad it was early because if I had to navigate a crowded grocery I might have had a few traffic tickets.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Another Pearly White

Right now you have 2 Molars and 1 bottom tooth coming in. YIKES!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Word of the Day: Apple

Apple from Christine DeHaven on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

14 Months Old


You are 14 months old today.

You cut another tooth. #8 for you. You learn new words every day. The lasted word is "Back" which is handy when I want help cleaning up. Apple, apple, apple apple apple apple apple. You love to repeat that word. You are so ticklish it is sweet. You don't always want to sit to eat your food. Finally you figure out that the food is only offered when you sit down at the table.

You are now giving kisses. You are sweet and even close your eyes when you give them. The catch is, you are more likely to kiss someone if they aren't the one holding you. Quirky but I will take them where I can get them.

You are loving scrambled eggs and apples. Cheese is a given. Something you weren't into for a while. You also really want to eat with the fork. You try to get you own food with it and when you give up, you hand it to me for help.

Your signing has improved. We were out running errands tonight and you signed that you wanted to eat. You said more banana and more apple. Love that we can communicate like that. When I sign "the itsy bitsy spider" you sign the the spider and smile so wide. You also sign milk and try to say it along with baba when you are ready for bed.

Baths are another favorite. You know when it is bathtime and you beat me to the punch. You throw your leg up and try to get in the tub fully clothed. I can not even get the tub filled before you are in it.

This month we are traveling to Cleveland. I am not nervous to fly with you or even overwhelmed with what to pack. It feels like old hat traveling with you. I love that. I can actually enjoy the trip 100%.

I realize now that there isn't anything that worrying is going to change. The amount I worry about you doesn't directly reflect how much I love you. Worrying is just wasted energy that could be spent on tickling you. So there you have it, more tickles and less wrinkles.

Below is a quick montage I put together of shots from day 1 through month 14. You have changed so much but some things always remain the same. I love that about being your Mom.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Another Tooth


today I spied another tooth coming in on the bottom. #8 for you buddy!

I have almost given up taking pictures of the teeth. You are so tight lipped about the situation.


ps. your kisses you gave to me this morning were heart-breakingly sweet.


Mama is proud

Tattoo from Christine DeHaven on Vimeo.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


It happens

Morning with Dada

Miles was content watching tv while Daddy made cheesey scrambled eggs
for breakfast.

Snow boots in action

Friday, December 11, 2009

Got to See You!

Yesterday we got to hang out for a whole HOUR. I treasured it and snapped a few shots too. I miss taking pictures of you sweet face more often. Christmas holiday watch out! My shutter might be smoking.

Banana on your face, all over your hands and the stairs. It happens.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

One of my Favorite Shots

miles0061, originally uploaded by cedehaven.


This is one of my favorite shots from your birthday. Almost 2 months ago but still feels like yesterday. I was so lucky to have someone capture the moments of your party so I could enjoy every yummy one with you.

This morning I tried to get you say your new word "Tattoo" you said it twice and then I grabbed the video camera but you were to busy eatting pretzels by then.

You get temporary tattoos at daycare and yesterday when daddy picked you up you were curious about your latest addition, a zebra. Daddy told you it was a tattoo and you walked around proudly saying Tattoo...Tattoo over and over pointing at your arm. I wish I was there. I got a small preview of it this am so that made up for me missing the moment. I will continue to try to video this unique word for my 13 months old.

Just when i get used to saying you are 13 months old, you go ahead and turn 14 months. Ugh just a few days away AGAIN. Before I know it I will be saying I have a 5 year old and crying as I drop you off for kindergarten. Yikes!

Breakfast Every Sunday

Every Sunday we try to make it to the local deli for breakfast. This visit was the first attempt with crayons. It was a FAIL. You ate them instead of colored. Whatever, it happens. Instead you liked to watch Dad color. That lasted a whole 5 minutes and then you were on to charming the waiter.

You were so keen on making new friends that day that you offered him up your "baba" and weren't happy until he kept it. You actually signed "Thank You" to him when he brought you back a kids cup to play with. You were charming, sweet and actually ate breakfast. Mama was proud.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Today you stuffed your face. I thought it would be funny to get you to talk with your mouth full. Good manners come first in our house.

Work has been crazy lately and I picked you up at 6:30 today from daycare. When I opened the door you were at the other end of the hallway. You saw me and moved those little feet the fastest I have seen to date. You had your mouth open in an exaggerated smile that I have burned into my memory. I was greeted with big hugs. After we left, we stood outside the car for a minute just pointing at passing cars and getting smothered with kisses.

Daddy took you to daycare today and before I left for work I am so glad I took the time to prep your dinner and bottle because by the time we got home you were so tired. Instead of getting dinner ready I was able to play with you for the precious few minutes we had today. After dinner then it was upstairs to get ready for bed. When you are ready for bed, you get monkey and I turn off the lights and hold you for a while. Lately you are a tight hugger. You grip your little hands on my arms and snuggle your monkey into my shoulder. Your little feet crawl up my chest to tuck into a tight little ball and get comfortable. We rock for a few minutes and sometimes I almost fall alseep.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Granola Face

Gave you a granola bar and ended up with it from your eyes to your chin.

I love my enthusiastic eatter

California Science Saturday

IMG_3298, originally uploaded by cedehaven.
Today Evan wanted to go for an adventure. We hit up the California Science Center right on the USC campus. USC was playing Arizona today. Not good timing but didn't stop us.

Miles ran around and played at the discovery zones. The zones are perfect areas for kids his age to 7 years old. So much hands on and exploring. I can see us going back again.

All the photos from today are on flickr and the slideshow below

On top of that, today Miles has been trying to say Roscoe. He already says Coco now and then

He also was so excited about a big boy bath that he crawled in the tub early, fully clothed and asked for bubbles. that was a first. So I stripped him down and we took a bath before dinner that was FULL of bubbles.

For dinner he polished off a cup of spaghetti, a full banana and a half and some pretzels. Hungry man.

Miles now calls me Mama when he wants to get my attention and isn't always a fan of sitting down to eat. He wants to always be on the move so taking time out to sit and eat cramps his style. Tonight he would cry when I put him in this seat but when I would take him out, he would walk over to the table and cry to get the food. Eventually he figured it out and sat at the table to eat. Mama gets her way!

Early shopping and a muffin with mama

Friday, December 4, 2009

Green Juice

Evan might knock me for the blender purchase but this is so worth it. How else can I say "My kid gets a full serving of raw veggies and fruit in the morning"

Every morning I blend up some fruit and spinach for the family. Miles gets a cup full and drinks it up. He gets it in the same sippy cup everyday and actually stands by me as I get the blender going so he can get his share first.

If he finishes his, he runs over to me and opens up his mouth and says "AHHHHH" until he gets a sip off mine. (Video to come)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bearded Bath

In the last 2 weeks we have moved to the big boy tub. I feel like this is overdue but we just couldn't keep you from standing up in the tub so we waited a bit longer.

Today we had a bubble bath. Remind me to grab the video camera before next time. You were having a blast BUT you have this thing for drinking the bath water. Gross I know but I can't seem to stop you. You even go so far as dipping your whole face directly into the water to drink it. When you came up from the latest gulp you had grown some facial hair.

Posted by Picasa

I also gave you a watering can to play with. You tried so hard to chug from the can. That is my next video for sure.

Coco! and NNNNNNN

Little talker has some stuff to say...

Nnnnnnnn from Christine DeHaven on Vimeo.

Coco Video is upside down! trying to fix. vimeo has a bug

Coco from Christine DeHaven on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Long Beach shark sighting

In Such a Good Mood

IMG_1609, originally uploaded by cedehaven.

you were in such a good mood this morning it was hard to drop you off at daycare. You woke up all smiles and giggled as you played with Coco and drank from your cup. You were talking non stop. You keep trying to say this word that sounds like DIRT. Not sure what you are getting at;) Either way, you are talking up a storm. You gave the dogs a loud BYE BYYYYYYEE! today as you waved before we closed the door.

Have amazing adventures today little man. I miss you.

More oodles than noodles,

Flashback: One Year ago Today

This photo still remains one of my favorites

CLICK HERE for the flashback

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Birthday Feature: Post Cake

miles0063, originally uploaded by cedehaven.

After your cake you were hosed down with a million wipes, stripped naked and re-dressed in a Miles Davis tee. It is one of my favorites.  Considering who gave it to you (Shout out to Uncle Paulie and Aunt Steph!) it is one of the coolest things in your wardrobe.

I think you knew it was your day. After cake you ran around 1/2 naked and with one of the biggest smiles ever. You giggled with glee and made your rounds through the crowd. 20 minutes later you were ready for a nap. Lucky you, both Grandmothers were there to take you home and put you down for some sweet rest.

If every birthday has as much love as the first one did, you are going to be one lucky boy Miles.

Love you more oodles than noodles,