Monday, November 2, 2009

Flashback: One Year ago Today

Click to see Miles working hard

This little guy found out quickly that nothing in life is free. We had him working for his milk and clean diapers off the bat.  Never too early....

Now that Miles' is a year old, I will be posting flashbacks now and then. Just to remember how far he has come. Plus they are so darn cute!

I love Babies in Plain White Onesies

IMG_1578, originally uploaded by cedehaven.
I love babies in plain white onesies. So much these days have taglines across the chest distracting the simple beauty that is baby. The white onesie let's you focus on the chub, cheeks and tummy instead of the marketing message. When i want to take pictures of Miles being Miles, i prefer diapers, white onesies or best of all Naked baby! ugh, need more baby butt photos around here!