Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Miles has been using the potty on and off. Mostly when he asks for it.  I caught him signing and saying potty today.  Sounds like Bobby if you ask me.

Next I have to catch him making his monkey kiss Plex the robot and signing I LOVE YOU.  which currently just looks like a waving fist. But I know what it means.

The Screen

You are sick. We went to the doctor Monday and had a breathing treatment.  You are feeling better but we have been trapped in the house more than usual and are making due.

This a.m. it was the sliding door that got us giggling. You can see why

California Speeday

it was hot... he was sick and tired... but he still had a good time. Daddy was happy that he shares his love for "Bikes"but as you can see below... he also likes tires.

Fell asleep on the walk back to the car.  And when we had to wake you, you were all smiles and funny faces.  Your hair was crazy with a mix of sweat, sunscreen and water that we poured over your head to cool you down.

A Boy and his Rosoce

Went to the park today and Miles chased Roscoe around. He eventually
let him take his leash. Some day I will catch them cuddling.