Monday, January 10, 2011

Funny Things...

You are beyond talking up a storm lately. Full concepts, feelings and pretending!  We spent today playing hide and go seek. I love that you tell me where you want me to hide "Mama, you go hide in the tub"  and then count and hide your eyes.  You have a few hiding spots. I think it is about 3. You rotate between them. I pretend I don't know where are and when I ask out loud "Is Miles in here?"  I hear your little voice "No Mama!"  and giggle.

At bath today your imagination kicked into overdrive. I have video but not going to make that public. I think we can giggle at that in the comfort of our own home. 

"You be Zurg Mama" " Me Buzz Lightyear"   and you grab your arm and shoot your laser at me.  I was laughing so hard. 

Taking the octopus and talking to the duck  "Hi little Ghost.   Hi Little Ghost. How was your day?  Oh No... bunch of wawa in there"   "You need wawa duck?" "Want this wawa?"

"Car is going to get ice"  "Walrus, Walrus, where are you Walrus?"  " You need ice?"  "Car get ice Walrus" 

At bed after our books were read and we snuggled in bed... we move onto talking about all the stuff we did today you made me giggle again.  I mentioned how you went to Daddy's work. Right away you said. "M&Ms!" 

"Did you eat M&Ms at Daddy's work?"
"Daddy said NO, Daddy said NO M&Ms"
" How did that make you feel?"

Then we went on to talking about eating his nose. How quickly they bounce back.
But wow Daddy you are heartless;)  that kid doesn't forget a THING!  Then as I was leaving he asked me to cuddle and to sleep in his big boy bed with him. It is SO HARD to say no but I do. You ask me every night and I know if I do we will start a terrible habit.  But the fact you even want me around it enough to make me smile.

Monday Mornings are Hard