Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Miles woke up from his nap with a fever. Poor guy was beside himself. He was asking for hugs over and over. I was happy to squeeze the little man until he was happy.

Daddy came home a tad early so was able to curl up with him on the couch. Daddy fell asleep before Miles did.

I grabbed my camera really quick and without turning on the lights snagged this shot. A bit blurry and pixelated but pure moment.

Steph and Paul

Our friends Steph and Paul moved this holiday weekend. Exactly what I am sure you want to do when you have 3 days off. I give them credit. The place is perfect for them. A little to far from us but so are so many other good friends. I LOVE LA TRAFFIC. Back to the point, We went to visit on Monday after they had finished getting all the final boxes over.

Miles took to the big empty boxes right away. Oh I know we all have memories of the boxes we played in as kids. I loved watching him crawl in and out, opening and closing the lid over and over again. He also was in heaven as he found the rock patch in the backyard. I am sure to find some rocks in his pockets when I do the laundry.

Brunch and Buzz

Brunch after Polliwog Park this weekend. You are getting better at staying at the table when we eat out. Daddy took you for a walk after ordering and when you returned, you were able to play and eat until we were ready to leave. It is paying off taking you out so much. I understand it is hard to sit still. It can be hard for me and I am 32. I love you for trying and will continue to set you up for success.

Buzz joined us at the meal. Shocking.... he even goes to bed with you now. If you get over your hate for the bath, I bet he will join you there too.

Morning Walk

I should stagger these posts but now that my Iphone is fixed I can post on the blog again with ease! Ugh that was a month and a half of annoying.

This am Miles was tired tired tired so we just hung out at home instead of running the park. We cuddled and went for a walk with Roscoe and BIG Buzz. After that we read a few books, ate lunch and hit the hay.


Dearest Miles,

This will be our first summer home together. I can't wait. I have been home with you for 6 months and we have our own little routine going. Summer changes these things.  A lot of classes we take stop for the summer. On top of that the undeniably amazing weather points me in directions. 

I am excited for what the summer holds.  I picked up a new book to help shake up our normal week, Fun Places to go With Kids in Souther California.

So far I have go through this HUGE book and dogeared some of the pages. This Memorial Day Weekend we took the book's advice and actually a few friends and hit up Polliwog and Aiden's Place.  I know people have been telling us to go there. We just hadn't made it yet. The book was a nice little reminder.

Up next, Mother's Beach.

Shots from Aiden's Place... I am finally picking up my GOOD camera again. Iphone watch out. 

Excuse the insane amount of images. I didn't wasn't feeling like posting a slideshow.  But then again, if you read this blog... get over it... this blog IS ABOUT MILES.  So there are bound to be a few shots of him.