Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Today you stuffed your face. I thought it would be funny to get you to talk with your mouth full. Good manners come first in our house.

Work has been crazy lately and I picked you up at 6:30 today from daycare. When I opened the door you were at the other end of the hallway. You saw me and moved those little feet the fastest I have seen to date. You had your mouth open in an exaggerated smile that I have burned into my memory. I was greeted with big hugs. After we left, we stood outside the car for a minute just pointing at passing cars and getting smothered with kisses.

Daddy took you to daycare today and before I left for work I am so glad I took the time to prep your dinner and bottle because by the time we got home you were so tired. Instead of getting dinner ready I was able to play with you for the precious few minutes we had today. After dinner then it was upstairs to get ready for bed. When you are ready for bed, you get monkey and I turn off the lights and hold you for a while. Lately you are a tight hugger. You grip your little hands on my arms and snuggle your monkey into my shoulder. Your little feet crawl up my chest to tuck into a tight little ball and get comfortable. We rock for a few minutes and sometimes I almost fall alseep.