Grandma and Grandpa were in town for one more day! We took advantage and went to the pumpkin patch and the playground. Miles was walking around testing out his new found talent of the two step while we chased him. Train ride with Grandma and the petting zoo with Grandpa topped off the weekend.
I love this smile! All I have to do is look at a picture like this and I can get through the rest of my workday knowing I get to cuddle my little guy in a few short hours. Hercules! Hercules! Petting Zoo with Grandpa. Grandma and Miles rode the train. He takes that seriously.
Monday morning and I have what feels like a birthday hangover. So exhausted from all the weekend festivities. Will be posting photos and such soon. It will be roughly a week before the birtday photos are available for me to share with you all.
Kara from Kara Frans Photography was there to capture all of the moments. I am so glad she was because it left me to enjoy the entire day with my family. Hug and kiss Miles as much as I could as well as know that there will be a cute "cake in the face" shot at the end of the party.
My parents are packing up to leave back to Cleveland now. We had so much fun and as always, it went to fast.