Dear Miles,
You are 15 months old today and officially in my eyes a toddler. You are a growing person with a ton of energy and your own little personality. some of your latest endeavors include
Picking up new signs like "baby", "help", "fish" and "bath"
Your vocab includes the following
- ball
- please (sounds like bees and is too cute!) you say it when you really want something
- up
- help (kinda sounds like UP)
- milk
- apple
- banana
- moo
- coco
- cat
- wa wa
- duck
- bubble
- cheese
- more
- tattoo
- dada
- mama
- baba
- GO!
- Nice
- fish
- shoes
- Uh- Oh
- De-Ti ( monkey)
- back
- book
- No
- Yes
Walking and almost full out running you are tackling everything. You can climb like a monkey. You actually climbed into the master bath the other day. You have given up the bottle. It has been a full week and it only took 4 days before you stopped crying every morning for it.
You splash like a crazy person in the tub and it makes you laugh so hard when you do. I am soaked from head to toe by the time you are done but I just can't stop you. You are having too much fun. What harm does a little water do?
You have been teething all month. 4 molars and now you are getting another bottom tooth. 12 teeth in total. I hope month 16 you get a little relief from it. It doesn't bother your sleeping very much thank goodness.
When we are out running around you love to use your words. At the grocery store you saw all teh beer kept repeating "baba, baba, baba" and when we went for a walk and were window shopping you pointed out all the shoes to me. Every dog is Coco. You have been trying to say Roscoe but to no avail. It is cute to see you try though.
You are putting some words together. "More cheese" or "Milk Please" it is so helpful to know what you want and to see your face light up when I understand you is priceless.
You kiss now. You don't do it on command :) but you do it when you want to. The other day coco kissed me and then you kissed coco. She licked your face in return and you giggled. I wished I could have captured that moment.
You like to take things out and put them back where you found them. You tell me as you do this "Duck, Back" You like to read
I am no home full time and able to spend all the time in the world with you. Get Ready!
Love you more Oodles than Noodles,