Thursday, March 3, 2011

Coming to a Theater Near you

Friend mocked this up from a shot I took over the weekend. Miles was sitting on the hill and said. "I'm mad at daddy" and turned away and crossed his arms. He now pretends to be mad like this. I crack up every time.

Miles is really into figuring out emotions right now. We read books and he likes to point out who is mad, sad, frustrated and happy. It is interesting what you observe. You have even taken to telling me if Coco or Roscoe are happy or sad.

Your pretend play is blowing up. You love playing with your dinos and cars. You have them talk to each other about helping you find stuff that is lost and asking how their day is going.

You have moved into the "loving" school stage and talk about going. You also are starting to talk to me about stuff you do at school and the kids you play with. I love hearing your interpretation of how things happen.

Some potty interest is going on but not 100%. We will get there someday!