Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dino at car wash

I wasn't able to get the whole dino in the shot because I didn't want to step back too far and leave you on the edge but still caught the moment.

Hit up the car wash today after the beach yesterday and after we went through we jumped out of the car and took a quick walk over to that big dino. You offered him a snack and told him you would see him later.

I am sure next time I ask you to go to the car wash you will JUMP at the chance.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hearts, paint and sailboats

Breakfast of heart studded pancakes, picking up paint samples in the afternoon followed by some chalk sailboat drawings! You were such a delight today. You didn't run around like a mad man at the paint store and were more than willing to talk to me about what colors you think belong in the house. Black, green and blue.

then your sailboat drawing, you wanted me to take a picture of you with it. So cute!

and a little video. You said this the other day and I giggle. "Mama, I cried and cried and cried" it was too cute to miss.

I cried and cried and cried from Christine DeHaven on Vimeo.

Uncle Darrows

Some brunch on Sunday before we start out day. You just liked the powdered sugar!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Puzzles, Pirates and Pieces

This morning was all about imagination and brain power. You busted out your legos and wanted to make houses for all your animals. Once we had houses for the horse, goat and cow you made a car for the sheep. Lucky sheep!

I knew you loved these small 4 piece puzzles at school so I hunted down some cheapies (5 bucks!!!) and took them out today. It came with 4 total puzzles. You spent a good amount of time on them over and over. When it was time for lunch you brought them downstairs with you. This is always a sign that you LOOOVE something. You won't let it leave your sight.

After Lunch you dug into the puzzles again. I think between the puzzles and pirate book I have read a million times (on loan from school for the day) we blasted through the remainder of the morning.

Off to nap you went with one more reading of the pirate book. Ahhh the simple things. Today was a great day with you.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Quick walk

A quick walk after school turned into two walks. On the second lap You slammed on the breaks when you saw this and jumped out if your car to grab it. I am pretty sure you made a good wish!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Monday is the new Sunday

Moon dough

Amazing you sit still long enough but you love this stuff
Amazing you sit still long enough but you love this stuff

Muffins before 7:30 a.m.

Homemade Blueberry Crumble Muffins before 730 a.m. With the best assistant ever!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Putting them to bed

The last few days you have been putting the wonder pets to bed. You find the mats, line them up. Give each pet a drink of milk. Kiss each one good night and tuck them in. I love how orderly you are with it and how sweet the whole process is. You even run back later to wake them up.

Thursday Night Dinner

Before Daddy went on his trip we had a family dinner. We were silly and enjoying every minute.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Cuddle in bed, farmers market, playground and more. I am wiped!

More Video...

I eat Spaghetti... so glad you do too now.

Humpback Whale

I was giggling this a.m. We watched "Go Diego, Go!" and they were saving a Humpback Whale. You were really into it and talking about it for a few hours. Mama, you be Deigo, I be the Humpback Whale. If I didn't watch the show with you. I would have never known what you were saying. Here is how you say Humpback whale.

No... I'm Miles

You like to play this game lately where we pretend that something is different than it really is. You say "No that is silly!"

Friday, March 18, 2011


With the warm weather we have been playing outside more and fishing in the water table. You LOVE it. We go for walks 2x a day to look for bugs and take our cars to play out in the courtyard. Roscoe is benefiting as well as you always want to take him with us.


New Shoes finally starting to fit
I found your trucks all lined up on the stairs
checking out the new placement of the chair
Playing with Bugs on a walk
See... BUGS!

Little Update

Just a few little things that I feel like I need to note.

1. The time change was a lifesaver. You know get up around 6 and 630. Sometimes you play in your room till 7.

2. When we read books at night, you lay on your back and use your little foot to point to things and tell me what they are.

3. You still love heart sandwiches and have moved into trying new foods more and more. Today you ate some plums with dinner and were digging them!

4. Roscoe and Coco are some of your new favorites. When we leave the house you say "Bye Coco, Bye Roscoe Jones. I will miss you"

5. You have started to tell me about things that happen at school. You talk about your friends there, what you play and how excited you are to go back.

6. The helper and independent in your has sprouted. You love to help with all activities Mommy does and you really like to do things yourself. You can do more than I realize. Cleaning up toys and putting away books seems to come as a habit and it makes me so thrilled to see you do that.

7. Memory, your memory is amazing. You talk about things that happened weeks ago and how they made you feel. You really like to talk about big events over and over.

8. Pretend... all day long...

9. You had your first "Independent Play" at the playground. You made a friend, left mommy and had a great time without me following you.

10. Music, you love to dance "shake your booty" and sing. It is something that I really wanted you to love and am happy to see you grow into it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


First big ouchie from school. You actually fell while I was there. It was really red but the next day looked great. You actually didn't talk about it at all. I thought you were going to want to tell me all about it. Naw... just another day at the office. All he wanted to do was jump and play