Monday, March 22, 2010

17 months late

So I didn't post your monthly update. This is a first! So here are some bits from the last month

- You run everywhere. You don't walk.
- You started to sign "I love you" but it only is a fist waving. You do it in return when I sign at you.
- You have lightened up on Nemo but love the zoo and are always asking for animals.
- Top and bottom teeth still cutting through.
- You can crawl out of your crib. I have caught you every time so you haven't fallen out yet.
- New words and signs are popping up daily. Yesterday it was "Cry" when you heard a baby at ikea. Today it is "shiny" as daddy gave you a keychain to play with this morning.

Easter is around the corner and we can't wait to do a little easter egg hunt and we will have a visit from Grandma and Grandpa.