Today you are 10 Months old. You clock in at 22 pounds. Your crawly skills are honed.
You now own a passport. In a few weeks you will take your longest flight yet to England.
Eating has been challenging because sometimes you don't want to eat off the spoon. You are full of puffs and cheese. Sometimes we get to sneak in other stuff. Gave you apples yesterday and you loved them.
Laughing more and more at me being silly. At times it seems you laugh out of pure joy.
You tackle the stairs head on and can go up the flights without help. Need to learn to go down them now.
Mama, Ball, Baba are some of your favorite words. You sign DOG and wave all the time. Your top 2 teeth need to show up or give up because you are teething/uncomfortable.
This past month you have become Mama's boy and it is getting harder and harder to leave with the tears flowing down.
Now you can mimic sounds and if we stick our tongue out at you, you do the same.
Your feet are still to chubby for shoes much to your daddy's disappointment.

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