What a crazy month! You got a second tooth. Flew to Denver for a trip. Took your first camping trip. Got your first full dunk in the pool. First 4th of July. Had a visit from your Grandparents. Started daycare. Tried some new foods and as of yesterday are getting your third tooth!
I love how you laugh in excitement when I get on all fours and chase you around. You point at everything. Your chuckle is the best. Bathtime is getting hard because you only sit still for so long. Not a huge breakfast fan but at times you can clear me out at dinner.
You bury your head in my shoulder when you pretend to be shy, but you are just flirting. You love the cat. I think you are the only one she likes. You watch her move and chase her around. She greets you at bath time and let's you pet her.
I ask every month but I will ask it again. SLOW DOWN!
Love you more oodles than noodles

oh just stop it!!!! I can't believe how far he's come, such a beautiful boy for such a beautiful family. love you guys!
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