Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nap time

Today you weren't tired around nap time. You had relaxed and slept in your room till about 8a.m. so it wasn't a surprise. I wasn't changing out schedule so down you went. I found you relaxing on our bed again. You were sweet and just relaxing there. I took you back to bed and laid down with you for a few minutes. You were talking up a storm. Not hyper but just chatty. You looked at me and said "Your pretty mama" as you took your sweet little hand and stroked my face. Ahhh I melted! You also looked at me and said "Daddy is my best friend" and when I asked if I could be too you said "Yes" You were fascinated with my hair and kept asking about the hairband I had. "Where did you get that mama?" Then you went on to talk about random things like. "You have two ears mama. Daddy does too." At that time I knew it was time to check out and let you nap. Hopefully you fall asleep for a little bit. If not, let the fun continue... we will go outside and play.