Friday, July 30, 2010

Sick and sick

You have had a fever for three days. Slowly but surely it is getting higher and higher. Teething? Nope. Ear infections? Nope. Dr appointment and blood test later they think it is roseola. Only time will tell. You had mr almost in tears as I drove you to the dr. Your little hands we reaching out to me and pulling me as you said "huggy mama" over and over tears running down your face. I have never hated LA traffic more.

Now for fluids and rest. You didn't eat today and drank so little. Your fever is keeping you so warm sleeping in a diaper is the only option.

You just wanted to be held and held some more. Sleeping on my chest and looking in my eyes. You were so sad.

My little buddy I will be checking you at night and kissing on you all day tomorrow.