Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Moving on from Cherrios

Moving on from Cherrios and into another carb... waffles. Yeah, this has been breakfast and dinner for a while now. I just toast them and eat them straight... no messing with the syrup. Sometimes that is all that I can deal with.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Miles is a Batman Fan

Tonight we went to go see Dark Knight. This little guy moved the entire time delivering some swift kicks that even I was surprised with. Either way... I think he enjoyed himself.

Third Tri

So today we are in the final trimester! The first two flew by.

For the past few weeks Miles has been the size of an eggplant... next week we move to a squash.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

More Closet Pictures

Closet is DONE! now to get rid of the nasty blue carpet.... :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mommy prepping the closet

Tonight we picked up the closet from the container store. The nice guy
at the store gave us a demo on how to install it and made it look so
simple, so we ran home to install the system.

Although it was not as easy as he made it look we still got it done in
a couple hours. Since we got it done so quick we decided to fill it up!

27 week belly

Monday, July 21, 2008

Cupcake Coma

This weekend Megan and Grace ventured out to Culver City to spend the afternoon with me! What a lucky girl I am!
Gracie captured on Polaroid licking her battered spoon

We made some German Chocolate Cupcakes and homemade peanut butter icing. Grace loves the big girl stuff. So pouring, stirring and icing was right up her alley.

After we were done with the cupcakes, Megan and her little one had to jet to a birthday party. Alas that left me with roughly 20 cupcakes.

20 cupcakes and a pregnant woman....

Needless to say by the next morning I realized I might slip into a Cupcake Coma if I didn't get rid of these fast!

I loaded up the car and drove them to the only place I could think of that would help me get rid of these on a Sunday.... Doggie Day Care.

They were happy... I was recovering from insanely high sugar levels. Everyone was happy.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Loving Husband

I have to say even though Evan has been busy at work, riding his bike to and from the office and dealing with stress he has found time to lately to make his crazy pregnant wife more than happy. I came home last night to find him fixing our kitchen sink, the dogs had been fed, the trash taken out and a huge smile on his face. He then proceed to cook me dinner.

He is really going above and beyond lately and EVAN... I NOTICE and THANK YOU!

Have a great time this weekend and hopefully the break from your obsessive pregnant wife will give you a bit of breathing room.
I love you!

Miles is one lucky boy....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wallpaper hangs

Last night we dove into hanging the wallpaper in the nursery closet. I am happy with the results and can't wait to see it with the closet system added.

The wallpaper was easier than I expected. Not to say it was easy.. just easier. I wouldn't want to do it again though.

My pictures are sub par... but it was 12:30 at night when I took them. Cut me some slack.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Miles will be here in less than 100 days... we are in the double digits of the countdown!

Added the widget to the right on the bio.

BLD... breakfast, lunch and dinner

So lately my daily menu has been consisting of multiple bowls of Cheerios... I need to get stock in GM at this rate. I think i have broken records for the amount of cereal one can consume in 6 months.

Painting... DONE

The painting in the Nursery is done.... we take the tape off tonight. Evan primed the back of the closet so we can hang the wallpaper soon.

This weekend we got tons done, cleaning out the garage... salvation army pickups... the kitchen is almost fixed (thanks to a water leak)

All in all our progress is moving forward. Hopefully we will have the Nursery done by end of August.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wallpaper just came in!

This is the wallpaper in brown... our color is blue. Can't wait to see it hanging!

Pregnant Brain

People say that during pregnancy you might lose your mind a bit, forget things etc. I proved that point when I had to search all over the house for Coco's bowl of food.

I filled it last night and brought it up from the garage ( so I thought) and the next morning was surprised that I couldn't find it ANYWHERE....

I gave up, fed her in another bowl and figured I would find it later. I get in my car to go work and ...


Seriously... not sure how it got there, what I was thinking or how I forgot THAT one! Either way gave me a good laugh.

Am I asking for trouble?

With onesies like these... I hope Miles doesn't get any ideas. Am I just asking for issues?
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First Coat

Last night we started in on the first coat of paint. I forgot how much i hate painting. It did go really fast but still... all those nooks and crannies...

The paint is looking really blue to us but hopefully when we get furniture in there and get the nasty blue carpeting out it will look a bit more manageable.

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

45 minutes at Home Depot

It took us 45 minutes at Home Depot Monday night to pick up 3 gallons.

Hopefully we only have to do 2 coats to cover up our botched "match" job. We will be tackling that this week.
I know the picture isn't the best, took it with

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Little Feet

Picked up some socks for Miles... too cute not to share

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Coco says

Coco.... You excited to meet your new brother?

Nursery Walls

Below are some shots of stuff we have been accumulating to put on the Nursery walls.... who knows if there will be room for all of it. Either way I love this stuff.

Prints are from CreativeThursday

Love this piece Evan found, Alice in Wonderland inspired

Sunday, July 6, 2008

"matched" paint

"matched" paint, originally uploaded by cedehaven.

We started working on the nursery this weekend and got a ton done. Only thing is... our matched paint didn't really match. looks like next weekend we will be painting the whole thing.

beyond that we have the room cleared out, closet demoed and ready for the wallpaper. hopefully that comes in soon.

Will he really be this tiny?

will he really be this tiny?, originally uploaded by cedehaven.

This is such a little onesie, is it really going to fit?

me at 25 weeks

me at 25 weeks, originally uploaded by cedehaven.

So here we begin the the online journey for our latest addition to the DeHaven family... MILES

Due Oct 20th... oh how I am sure Time will fly.