Friday, September 11, 2009

Goodbye Dear Dear Friend, Goodbye!

Dear Paci,

You have been a stand-up friend for the last 10 and 1/2 months, don't you ever forget that. But it is time to go our separate ways. It's not you, It's me. I just think we have grown apart. It am really doing this for your own good. You will thank me for this later. I don't deserve you. You will always be my third love (next to mommy and daddy of course!)



After our trip to London, there are a few changes around the house. Miles is such a big boy (almost ONE!) that we decided it is time to ditch the paci. Before the attachment gets too severe thought we would jump in now. Miles cried a bit more at night for a few nights but 4 days later It is almost like he never needed one.

Another big change is the adjustment in daycare. Lisa, our part-time nanny since Miles was 3 months is no longer with us. We have transitioned Miles to full time daycare. Not an easy decision but it is for the best. We will Miss you Lisa! I didn't let her sneak away without a picture so I will post that later.

Changes in bedtime have been made since we returned from London as well. We have pushed Miles bedtime to 7:00 and working at moving it to 7:30. This helps in the morning as he sleeps a bit longer and Mommy is able to get up a tad later than 5:30 am to beat her son out of the gate and actually shower in the morning.

Final big change is that beyond ditching the paci, Miles is now eating big boy food all meal, every meal. No more mush for you boy! We are venturing into a new era and can't wait for my little foodie to explore more textures and flavors.

Next Chapter... kicking the bottle. This one will not be as easy and it is kinda sad on my side as that really means that Miles is no longer a 'baby' and moving into toddler status.


Megan said...

Again with that word that is so applicable to parenthood! Bittersweet. Congrats on the break-up of Miles and Paci, they were a good couple, I think it was a good learning experience ;). Love you guys!