Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Even Better!!!

You had a bath today at 9:30 in the am. I didn't mind because you WANTED ONE! I was able to fill up the tub and you were all smiles. Makes me happy!


Anna came over the other morning for a few hours. You guys giggled as you both walked up and down the stairs. I love that you have a little friend that visits often.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

One Step Closer

One step closer to conquering bath time! Last night when I was putting up a new shower curtain you climbed into the bath fully clothed. You wanted to play. YES! I thought. I was sure you hated the tub but even if you played in it fully clothed it would be a big step. So I brought in a few toys. Then you asked for the water to be turned on and to take your clothes off. AWESOME!

You weren't a fan of the plug so we ended up taking more of a shower/bath. You loved the shower and I was laughing as you tried to reach the water. Ahhh moments like this make me realize that the hard times are only for so long.


Mommy is back in action! Missed you cute face.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Obsessed with toy story

And yes he is watching toy story

Boys Weekend Day 3

Today was all about the Zoo!! We saw tons of animals and made all there noises.

Boys Weekend Day 2

Park, Soccer, Nap, Soccer, Dinner with the entire Hutchison family (in from london), late night (8pm) playtime with Joshua!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Boys weekend, day 1

We had such a great start to the boys weekend. First we went to the park and played on the slides, then we played with the soccer ball and watched a kid flying a kite. We then headed to our favorite sushi spot Kanpai and ate Crispy Albacore, Edamame, Teriyaki Chicken, and Green Tea Ice Cream!

Boys weekend has begun!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bye Bye Love

I am heading out of town for the weekend. A first for me. I put you to bed tonight and already feel odd.

I am sure I will miss you like crazy.

Shots from today... Dirty after a cliff bar and fixated after bath on Home on the Range. You kept asking for "more neigh!" as you loved the horses.

A Furry Baby

I was about to give him away today but I realize it is hard to sit backseat to Miles. I promise to give you more attention and love Roscoe!

Both these shots were taken in the last 2 weeks. I picked up a new blanket one week and a new pillow today for the couch. Rosoce claims them as his own within hours of them landing in the house.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Better Late Than Never

For Father's Day we went to Color Me Mine to make Daddy a handmade gift. Last year it was hand/foot imprints, this year a Miles Masterpiece! The generic coffee mug painted by a 20 month old little hands. Hope you love it Daddy!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

Some shots from Evan this weekend....

I am a Mean Mommy

Your bangs are LONG and the beach breeze was just too much so I took one for the team, let my hair down and put your UP.

Some Other Father's Day Activities

We hit the park Sunday morning with bagels in hand. Fed the ducks and played for an hour plus. Really some of my favorite stuff, bagels and boys. Yum!

Daddy's Day Run

Our first race together! We have been running for a while as a team (you rarely take your turn pushing the stroller but I can't hold it against you) We did our first race on Sunday. Culver's 5k Nothing big but it was still fun! I had ran a bit too much the week before so my legs were beat! It was hot and fun. It gave Daddy a Chance to sleep in while we hit the pavement.  Clocked in at 9:30 a mile. Guess we all have to start somewhere.

Shot of you I took before the race. 

Some shots our friend's husband caught from the sidelines

Monday, June 21, 2010

First movie, Toy Story 3!

After getting your meds we went to the movies! It was your favorite... BUZZ LIGHTYEAR! It was a mommy movie monday so the atmosphere was perfect for little ones. With you not feeling the best this was just what the Dr. ordered.

You relaxed in my lap while you munched on popcorn (a first as well) and watched Buzz and Woody in your PJs.

Dr Again

This a.m. you woke up with a swollen face. The left side was bigger and I wasn't sure if I was seeing things so I woke up daddy to see if he could verify my crazy. He did and off we went to see the Dr.

It helped when you said "Ouchie, Ouchie" and touched your face. So much easier than guessing.

Antibiotics and a swollen lymphoid later we are out of of the office and off to the pharmacy.

Hope you feel better soon!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beach, Park and Park

From 3 parks to the beach we have spent a good amount of time outside this week. Oh and a quick trip to the zoo..

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dinner with the Family

After a long week Evan made it home early to go out to a family dinner. Mexican food was a hit with Miles. He ended up eating a ton of rice. beans and chips. My favorite part was that he was content in his seat the WHOLE TIME!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


You love rocks so when we went to a playground in Colorado and they were everywhere you flopped down and "swam" in them. You filled your pockets and went down for a great nap after with rocks still in there.

20 Months

Today you are 20 months old. Only 4 months till you turn 2. Such a shocker to me.

Some of your new things are:

- You HATE HATE HATE bath time. I mean you scream "all done" over and over while you stand in the water and wash you as quick as I can. Let's hope you grow out of this. So far it is 3 weeks strong.

- Words! You have so many it boggles my mind. You put stuff together now like "Coco Food" or "Daddy Shoes" etc. Just this morning I had the shower running and you ran up and said "Daddy, bath... shower?" I was shocked.

- Fingers in the ears. You have started to plug your ears to hear the noise difference. You say all the words you know and laugh at the sounds as they change.

- Choo Choo Trains, Dinos and Buzz are all favorites right now.

- Bedtime is 7:30 and you are sleeping for about 11-13 hours a night. Still on one nap a day that is roughly 2 1/2 hours.

- Some of the favorite foods are peanut butter, pretzels, applesauce (still called apple juice), bananas and cereal.

- When you are tired you start to repeat a lot of words. Once I get you upstairs and near your bed you almost dive in at times. You cuddle with DT and Turtle and say Ni Night.  Other times you let me hold you for a few and drool all over my shoulder. 

- I still can't bring myself to cut your hair. Not sure when that will change. Until now I like your long locks.

Back in the Groove

Returning from Colorado and we are back in the groove of our normal week of play hard, get dirty and sleep deep.

Some snaps from our recent trip to the park and a few videos.